simulation/generatefrailty [ Functions ]


    generatefrailty --- simulate frailties


Generates simulated frailties by different methods depending on the distribution chosen.


460 generatefrailty <- function(type = "lognormal", params)


    type    distribution string
    params  cluster information and dispersion parameters


    Ui, Uij, Vi, Vij vectors


463 {
464     Ui <- -1;Vi <- -1;Uij <- -1;Vij <- -1;
465     m <- params$m;Ji <- params$Ji
466     sigma2 <- params$sigma2;sigma2d <- params$sigma2d;
467     nu2 <- params$nu2; nu2d <- params$nu2d; theta <- params$theta
468     # Occasionally, trivariate reduction or gaussian frailties can be negative, 
469     # continue generating until this is no longer the case.
470     while(sum(Ui < 0) + sum(Vi < 0) + sum(Uij < 0) + sum(Vij < 0) > 0){
471         Ui <- rep(0, m); Vi <- rep(0, m)
472         Uij <- rep(0, sum(Ji)); Vij <- rep(0, sum(Ji))
473         # Cumulative sum of number of cluster individuals
474         Jicum <- c(1, cumsum(Ji) + 1) 
475         if(type == "gamma"){
476             #! Gamma subject - level frailties are generated by trivariate reduction, as follows:
477              for (i in 1:m){
478                 # Ensure that conditions for trivariate reduction are met
479                 while(Ui[i] <= theta / nu2d | Vi[i] <= theta / nu2){
480                     # Mean 1, variance sigma2
481                     Ui[i] <- rgamma(1, shape = 1 / sigma2, scale = sigma2)  
482                     # Mean 1, variance sigma2d
483                     Vi[i] <- rgamma(1, shape = 1 / sigma2d, scale = sigma2d)  
484                 }
485                 Y1 <- rgamma(Ji[i], shape = Ui[i] / nu2 - theta / (nu2 * nu2d), scale = 1)
486                 Y2 <- rgamma(Ji[i], shape = Vi[i] / nu2d - theta / (nu2 * nu2d), scale = 1)
487                 Y3 <- rgamma(Ji[i], shape = theta / (nu2 * nu2d), scale = 1)
488                 if(theta == 0){ Y3 <- 0 }
489                 Uij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- nu2 * (Y1 + Y3)
490                 Vij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- nu2d * (Y2 + Y3)
491             }
492         }
493         if(type == "gaussian"){
494             #!For Gaussian frailties, the cluster - level frailties are generated as iid Normals,
495             #!and given these, the subject - level frailties are generated with the covariance matrix
496             #!above. The code checks that the covariance matrix is positive definite, which is not
497             #!always assured.
498             for (i in 1:m){
499                 eig <- -1
500                 while(sum(eig < 0) > 0){
501                     Ui[i] <- rnorm(1, mean = 1, sd = sqrt(sigma2))
502                     Vi[i] <- rnorm(1, mean = 1, sd = sqrt(sigma2d))
503                     covmat <- matrix(c(Ui[i] * nu2, theta, theta, Vi[i] * nu2d), 2, 2)
504                     eig <- eigen(covmat)$values
505                     if(sum(eig < 0) > 0) print("hello")
506                 }
507                 UV <- mvrnorm(Ji[i], c(Ui[i], Vi[i]), covmat)
508                 Uij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- UV[, 1]
509                 Vij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- UV[, 2]
510             }
511         }
512         if(type == "lognormal"){
513             for (i in 1:m){
514                 eig <- -1
515                 while(sum(eig < 0) > 0){
516                     # Mean 1, variance sigma2                
517                     Ui[i] <- exp(rnorm(1, log(1 / sqrt(1 + sigma2)), sqrt(log(1 + sigma2))) ) 
518                     # Mean 1, variance sigma2d               
519                     Vi[i] <- exp(rnorm(1, log(1 / sqrt(1 + sigma2d)), sqrt(log(1 + sigma2d))) ) 
520                     muprime <- c(log(Ui[i]^2 / sqrt(Ui[i]^2 + Ui[i] * nu2)),
521                         log(Vi[i]^2 / sqrt(Vi[i]^2 + Vi[i] * nu2d)))
522                     covmat <- matrix(0, 2, 2)
523                     covmat[1, 1] <- log(1 + Ui[i] * nu2 / Ui[i]^2)
524                     covmat[1, 2] <- log(1 + theta / Ui[i] / Vi[i])
525                     covmat[2, 1] <- log(1 + theta / Ui[i] / Vi[i])
526                     covmat[2, 2] <- log(1 + nu2d * Vi[i] / Vi[i]^2)
527                     eig <- eigen(covmat)$values
528                 }
529                 UV <- matrix(mvrnorm(Ji[i], muprime, covmat), Ji[i], 2)
530                 Uij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- exp(UV[, 1])
531                 Vij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- exp(UV[, 2])
532             }
533         }
534         if(type == "lognormperm"){
535             genlognormal <- function(n, mu, sigma2){
536                 sigma2prime <- log(1 + sigma2 / mu^2)        
537                 muprime <- log(mu) - 1 / 2 * sigma2prime
538                 return(rlnorm(n, meanlog = muprime, sdlog = sqrt(sigma2prime)))            
539             }
540             correlate <- function(x, y, covar){
541                 sorttop <- function(x, pct){
542                      nsort <- round(length(x) * pct)
543                      if(nsort < 2) return(x)
544                      if(nsort == length(x)) return(sort(x))
545                      return(c(sort(x[1:nsort]), x[(nsort + 1):length(x)]))
546                 }
547                 if(length(x) == 1) return(list(x = x, y = y))
548                 pctopt <- optimize(function(pct, target, x, y) (cov(sorttop(x, pct), sorttop(y, pct)) - target)^2, interval = c(0, 1), target = covar, x = x, y = y)$minimum    
549                 cat(" ", pctopt)
550                 return(list(x = sorttop(x, pctopt), y = sorttop(y, pctopt)))
551             }
552             for(i in 1:m){
553                 Ui[i] <- exp(rnorm(1, log(1 / sqrt(1 + sigma2)), sqrt(log(1 + sigma2))) ) 
554                 Vi[i] <- exp(rnorm(1, log(1 / sqrt(1 + sigma2d)), sqrt(log(1 + sigma2d))) ) 
555                 Uijprop <- genlognormal(Ji[i], Ui[i], Ui[i] * nu2)
556                 Vijprop <- genlognormal(Ji[i], Vi[i], Vi[i] * nu2d)
557                 corrUV <- correlate(Uijprop, Vijprop, theta)
558                 Uij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- corrUV$x
559                 Vij[Jicum[i]:(Jicum[i + 1] - 1)] <- corrUV$y            
560             }
561         }
563     }
564     return(list(Ui = Ui, Vi = Vi, Uij = Uij, Vij = Vij))
565 }