fortran/fmksens2full [ Methods ]


  fmksens2full --- compute sensitivity matrix


Construct the full sensitivity matrix at the end of the procedure. This computes sensitivity to both regression coefficient and baseline hazard parameters See also the R function makeSens2.


888       subroutine fmksens2full(Smat,index1,index2,Z,Zd,alphars,alpharsd,
889      $ as,asd,betahat,betadhat,times1,times2,pi,qi,ri,si,wi,wij,zij,
890      $ sig2,sig2d,nu2,nu2d,theta,ncovs1,ncovs2,nr,ns,nsd,np,npd,
891      $ d1,d2,m,Ji,maxj,Kcum,Kdcum)


   Too many to list, but analogous to those in other routines in
   this file. Inputs appended with d refer to process 2.
   np, npd     number of parrameters for each of the processes


   Smat    matrix of size ncovs1+ncovs2 x ncovs2+ncovs2
           sensitivity matrix


 894 ! output of frailty estimation
 895       double precision pi(m),qi(m),ri(m),si(m),wi(m),
 896      $  wij(m,maxj),zij(m,maxj)
 897 ! output of dispersion estimates
 898       double precision sig2,sig2d,nu2,nu2d,theta
 899 ! d1,d2: length of data matrix
 900 ! m, Ji, maxj: # of clusters, individuals, max individuals
 901       integer d1,d2,m,Ji(m),maxj,ncovs1,ncovs2,nr,ns,nsd,np,npd
 902 ! Sensitivity matrix (for output)
 903       double precision as(nr,ns), asd(nr,nsd)
 904       double precision Smat(np+npd,np+npd)
 905 ! matrix of alpharh values
 906       double precision alphars(nr,ns),alpharsd(nr,nsd)
 907 ! matrix of coefficient estimates
 908       double precision betahat(ncovs1),betadhat(ncovs2)
 909 ! matrix of indices
 910       integer index1(d1,6),index2(d2,6)
 911 ! covariates: matrix of covariates for each index entry
 912       double precision Z(d1,ncovs1)
 913       double precision Zd(d2,ncovs2)
 914       double precision times1(d1),times2(d2)
 915       integer Kcum(nr+1), Kdcum(nr+1)
 916 ! variables to hold the current values
 917       double precision bZd,bZ,mu,eta,w,wj,time,thisA
 918       integer i,ind,r,iind0,iind1,iind0d,iind1d,s,bst,bdst,sind
 919 !      real*4 timex(2),ExecTime(3),LastTime(3),tottime,tottimex
 921 ! Constants for column indices
 922       parameter(icol=1, jcol=2, kcol=3, ircol=4, ismincol=5, ismaxcol=6)
 924       double precision S11(np,np)
 925       double precision S12(np,npd)
 926       double precision S13(npd,npd)
 927       double precision S21(np),S22(npd)
 928       double precision S31(np),S32(npd)      
 929       double precision S2(np+npd)
 930       double precision S3(np+npd)
 931       double precision Sii(np+npd,np+npd)
 932 !      double precision Sinv(g+gd,g+gd)
 934       double precision Sm(maxj)
 935       double precision Se(maxj)
 936       double precision Smx(maxj,np)
 937       double precision Sex(maxj,npd)
 939       double precision phi(maxj),Z2(np),Z2d(npd)
 941 ! indices for the start and end of the i portion of the data matrix      
 942       iind0=0
 943       iind1=0
 944       iind0d=0
 945       iind1d=0
 947       bst=Kcum(nr+1)
 948       bdst=Kdcum(nr+1)
 950 !      call etime(timex,tottimex)      
 951 !      call etime(timex,tottime)      
 952 !      LastTime(1)    = tottimex
 953 !      LastTime(2)   = timex(1)
 954 !      LastTime(3) = timex(2)
 956       call dzero(Smat,(np+npd)*(np+npd))
 958 ! Loop over the values of i
 959       do 200 i=1,m
 961 !       if(i.eq.1) then
 962 !          call etime(timex,tottimex)
 963 !          ExecTime(1) = tottimex-LastTime(1)
 964 !          ExecTime(2) = timex(1)-LastTime(2)
 965 !          ExecTime(3) = timex(2)-LastTime(3)
 966 !          LastTime(1)=tottimex
 967 !          LastTime(2)=timex(1)
 968 !          LastTime(3)=timex(2)
 969 !          call realpr('Startup',-1,ExecTime,3)
 970 !       endif
 972         call dzero(S11,np*np)
 973         call dzero(S12,np*npd)
 974         call dzero(S13,npd*npd)
 975         call dzero(S21,np)
 976         call dzero(S31,np)
 977         call dzero(S22,npd)
 978         call dzero(S32,npd)       
 979         call dzero(S2,np+npd)
 980         call dzero(S3,np+npd)
 981         call dzero(Sm,maxj)
 982         call dzero(Se,maxj)
 983         call dzero(Smx,maxj*np)
 984         call dzero(Sex,maxj*npd)
 985         call dzero(Z2,np)
 986         call dzero(Z2d,npd)
 988         iind0=iind1+1
 989         iind1=iind1+1
 990         iind0d=iind1d+1
 991         iind1d=iind1d+1
 993 !     while loop to find start and end indices in ij for cluster i
 994  210    if((index1(iind1,icol).eq.i).and.(iind1.le.d1)) then
 995             iind1=iind1+1
 996             goto 210
 997         endif      
 998  211    if((index2(iind1d,icol).eq.i).and.(iind1d.le.d2)) then
 999             iind1d=iind1d+1
1000             goto 211
1001         endif     
1003 !       Compute the Sm, Se vectors and Smx,Sex matrix
1004 !       Sm=Sum(mu_ij*) for j=1..Ji
1005 !       Smx=Sum(mu_ijkh*x_ijkh) for j=1..Ji
1006         iind1=iind1-1                
1007         do 220 ind=iind0,iind1
1008             j=index1(ind,jcol)
1009             smin=index1(ind,ismincol)
1010             smax=index1(ind,ismaxcol)
1011             r=index1(ind,ircol)
1012             time=times1(ind)
1013             bZ=ddot(ncovs1,Z(ind,1),d1,betahat,1)
1014             if(smax .GT. 0) then
1015                 do 230 s=smin,smax
1016                     thisA=0.d0
1017                     call A(thisA,time,as,r,s,nr,ns)
1018                     mu=exp(bZ)*alphars(r,s)*thisA
1019                     Sm(j)=Sm(j)+mu 
1020                     Smx(j,Kcum(r)+s-1)=Smx(j,Kcum(r)+s-1)+mu        
1021                     call daxpy(ncovs1,mu,Z(ind,1),d1,Smx(j,bst),maxj)
1022  230            continue
1023             endif  
1024  220    continue 
1025         iind1d=iind1d-1                
1026         do 221 ind=iind0d,iind1d              
1027             j=index2(ind,jcol)
1028             smin=index2(ind,ismincol)
1029             smax=index2(ind,ismaxcol)
1030             r=index2(ind,ircol)
1031             time=times2(ind)
1032             bZ=ddot(ncovs2,Zd(ind,1),d2,betadhat,1)
1033             if((smax .GT. 0)) then
1034                 do 240 s=smin,smax
1035                     thisA=0.d0
1036                     call A(thisA,time,asd,r,s,nr,nsd)
1037                     eta=exp(bZ)*alpharsd(r,s)*thisA
1038                     Se(j)=Se(j)+eta                        
1039                     Sex(j,Kdcum(r)+s-1)=Sex(j,Kdcum(r)+s-1)+eta        
1040                     call daxpy(ncovs2,eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,Sex(j,bdst),maxj)
1041  240            continue
1042             endif   
1043  221    continue 
1046 ! Compute phi
1047         do 300 j=1,Ji(i)
1048             phi(j)=(1.0d0+nu2*Sm(j))*(1.0d0+nu2d*Se(j))
1049      $      -theta*theta*Sm(j)*Se(j)   
1050  300    continue    
1052 ! Compute the various components of the matrix (pass 2)
1053         do 400 ind=iind0,iind1
1054             j=index1(ind,jcol)
1055             smin=index1(ind,ismincol)
1056             smax=index1(ind,ismaxcol)
1057             r=index1(ind,ircol)
1058             time=times1(ind)
1059             bZ=ddot(ncovs1,Z(ind,1),d1,betahat,1)
1060 !            call dcopy(ncovs,Z(ind,1),d1,Z2(bst),1)
1062             if(smax .GT. 0) then
1063                 do 410 s=smin,smax
1064                     thisA=0.d0
1065                     call A(thisA,time,as,r,s,nr,ns)
1066                     mu=exp(bZ)*alphars(r,s)*thisA
1067                     sind=Kcum(r)+s-1
1069                     S11(sind,sind)=S11(sind,sind)+mu
1070                     call daxpy(ncovs1,mu,Z(ind,1),d1,S11(sind,bst),np)
1071 !                    call daxpy(ncovs,mu,Z(ind,1),d1,S11(bst,sind),1)
1072 !                    call dger(np,np,mu,Z2,1,Z2,1,S11,np)
1073                     call dsyr('U',ncovs1,mu,Z(ind,1),d1,S11(bst,bst),np)
1075                     w=1.0d0/(1.0d0+wij(i,j)*Sm(j))
1076                     S21(sind)=S21(sind)+w*mu
1077                     call daxpy(ncovs1,w*mu,Z(ind,1),d1,S21(bst),1)
1079                     w= -theta*Se(j)/phi(j)
1080                     S31(sind)=S31(sind)+w*mu
1081                     call daxpy(ncovs1,w*mu,Z(ind,1),d1,S31(bst),1)
1082  410            continue
1083             endif
1084  400    continue
1085         do 401 ind=iind0d,iind1d
1086             j=index2(ind,jcol)
1087             smin=index2(ind,ismincol)
1088             smax=index2(ind,ismaxcol)
1089             r=index2(ind,ircol)
1090             time=times2(ind)
1091             bZ=ddot(ncovs2,Zd(ind,1),d2,betadhat,1)
1092 !            call dcopy(ncovs,Zd(ind,1),d2,Z2d(bdst),1)
1093             if((smax .GT. 0)) then
1094                 do 420 s=smin,smax
1095                     thisA=0.d0
1096                     call A(thisA,time,asd,r,s,nr,nsd)
1097                     eta=exp(bZ)*alpharsd(r,s)*thisA
1098                     sind=Kdcum(r)+s-1
1100                     S13(sind,sind)=S13(sind,sind)+eta
1101                   call daxpy(ncovs2,eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,S13(sind,bdst),npd)
1102 !                  call daxpy(ncovs,eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,S13(bdst,sind),1)
1103                     call dger(npd,npd,eta,Z2d,1,Z2d,1,S13,npd)
1104               call dsyr('U',ncovs2,eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,S13(bdst,bdst),npd)
1107                     w= -theta*Sm(j)/phi(j)
1108                     S22(sind)=S22(sind)+w*eta
1109                     call daxpy(ncovs2,w*eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,S22(bdst),1)
1111                     w=1.0d0/(1.0d0+zij(i,j)*Se(j))
1112                     S32(sind)=S32(sind)+w*eta
1113                     call daxpy(ncovs2,w*eta,Zd(ind,1),d2,S32(bdst),1)
1114  420            continue
1115             endif
1116  401    continue
1119 ! Finish computation of the components via appropriate rank 1 transforms
1120         do 500 j=1,Ji(i)
1121              w=-wij(i,j)/(1.0d0+wij(i,j)*Sm(j))
1122 !             call dger(np,np,w,Smx(j,1),maxj,Smx(j,1),maxj,S11,np)
1123              call dsyr('U',np,w,Smx(j,1),maxj,S11,np)
1124              w=-theta/phi(j)
1125              call dger(np,npd,w,Smx(j,1),maxj,Sex(j,1),maxj,S12,np)
1126              w=-zij(i,j)/(1.0d0+zij(i,j)*Se(j))
1127 !             call dger(npd,npd,w,Sex(j,1),maxj,Sex(j,1),maxj,S13,npd)
1128              call dsyr('U',npd,w,Sex(j,1),maxj,S13,npd)
1130  500    continue 
1131         call dcopy(np,S21,1,S2,1)
1132         call dcopy(npd,S22,1,S2(np+1),1)
1133         call dcopy(np,S31,1,S3,1)
1134         call dcopy(npd,S32,1,S3(np+1),1)
1136 ! Concatenate the matrices S11,S12,S13 correctly into Si
1137 ! At the same time, apply the minus sign
1138         do 610 jj=1,np
1139             do 620 ii=1,jj
1140                 Sii(ii,jj)=-S11(ii,jj)
1141  620        continue
1142  610    continue        
1143         do 630 jj=1,npd
1144             do 640 ii=1,np
1145                 Sii(ii,jj+np)=-S12(ii,jj)
1146 !                Sii(jj+np,ii)=-S12(ii,jj)
1147  640        continue
1148  630    continue
1149         do 650 jj=1,npd
1150             do 660 ii=1,jj
1151                 Sii(ii+np,jj+np)=-S13(ii,jj)
1152  660        continue
1153  650    continue
1156 ! Compute the ith sensitivity matrix with several rank 1 operations
1157         wj=wi(i)*sig2*(1.0d0+sig2d*si(i))
1158         call dsyr('u',np+npd,wj,S2,1,Sii,np+npd)
1159         wj=-wi(i)*sig2*sig2d*qi(i)
1160         call dsyr2('u',np+npd,wj,S2,1,S3,1,Sii,np+npd)
1161         wj=wi(i)*sig2d*(1.0d0+sig2*pi(i))
1162         call dsyr('u',np+npd,wj,S3,1,Sii,np+npd)
1164 ! Add this matrix to the total
1165         call daxpy((np+npd)*(np+npd),1.d0,Sii,1,Smat,1)
1167  200  continue  
1169 ! Make the matrix symmetrical again (copy U to L)
1170       do 700 j=1,np+npd-1
1171          do 710 i=j+1,np+npd
1172             Smat(i,j)=Smat(j,i)
1173  710     continue
1174  700  continue      
1176       end