fortran/fsmuij [ Methods ]


  fsmuij --- compute sums of events and means


Compute the sums of mu_rijks and delta_rijks for every (i,j). See also the R function Smuij.


281       subroutine fsmuij(betahat,index,delta,Z,alphars,as,
282      $ d,ncovs,nr,ns,m,maxj,Smu,Sdelta)


    betahat    regression parameters (length p)
    index      d x 6 matrix of indices i,j,k,r,smin,smax 
    delta      length d vector of event indicators (double)
    Z          d x ncovs matrix of covariates (double row vector)
    alphars    nr x ns matrix of baseline hazards (double) 
    d          number of rows of Z
    ncovs      number of covariates
    nr         number of strata
    ns         number of breakpoints
    m          number of clusters
    maxj       largest cluster size


    Smu        m x maxj matrix containg sum(mu_rijks) for all (i,j)
    Sdelta     m x maxj matrix containg sum(delta_rijks) for all (i,j)


284       integer d,ncovs,nr,ns,nk,m,maxj
285       integer index(d,6)
286       double precision betahat(ncovs)
287       double precision delta(d)
288       double precision Z(d,ncovs)
289       double precision alphars(nr,ns)
290       double precision as(nr,ns)
291       double precision lp, deltat,w,mu,power
292       double precision Smu(m,maxj),Sdelta(m,maxj)
293       integer ind,i,j,k,r,s,smax,smin,maxs
295       parameter(icol=1, jcol=2, kcol=3, ircol=4, ismincol=5, ismaxcol=6)
297       maxs=(ns-1)*95/100
298       do 100 ind=1,d
299 !       call intpr("ind",-1,ind,1)       
300        i=index(ind,icol)
301         j=index(ind,jcol)
302         k=index(ind,kcol)
303         r=index(ind,ircol)
304         smin=index(ind,ismincol)
305         smax=index(ind,ismaxcol)
306         deltat=delta(ind)
307         lp=ddot(ncovs,Z(ind,1),d,betahat,1)
308 !       ignore the last 5% of intervals
309 !        if(smax.GT.maxs) then
310 !            smax=maxs
311 !        endif  
312         Sdelta(i,j)=Sdelta(i,j)+deltat
313         do 110 s=smin,smax
314            mu=exp(lp)*alphars(r,s)*(as(r,s+1)-as(r,s))
315            mu=(1.d0-exp(-mu))
316            Smu(i,j)=Smu(i,j)+mu
317  110    continue   
318  100  continue
319       end