estimation/getdispmarg3 [ Functions ]


    getdispmarg3 --- workhorse function for computing marginal estimators


This function is used by updatedispmarg to compute the sums of cross products of event indicators and means. Inputs are data for any two processes, which may be event processes 1 and 2, or two copies of event 1, or two copies of event 2. The sample variances and covariances of the two processes are computed under the auxiliary Poisson model.


1209 getdispmarg3 <- function(m, Ji, datamat1, datamat2, alphars1, alphars2, 
1210                 as1, as2, betahat1, betahat2, same)


    datamat1   data matrix generated by makedatamat for process 1
    datamat2   data matrix generated by makedatamat for process 2
    alphars1   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for process 1
    alphars2   matrix of baseline hazard parameters for process 2
    as1        matrix of discretization breakpoints for process 1
    as2        matrix of discretization breakpoints for process 2
    betahat1   regression coefficient estimates for process 1
    betadha2   regression coefficient estimates for process 2
    same       boolean indicator of whether process 1 and 2 are the same


    sig2nu2    marginal estimate of sigma^2 + nu^2 (or theta, if the processes
               are different)
    sig2       marginal estimate of sigma^2


1213 {
1215     #Initialze vectors and matrices
1216     jimax <- max(Ji)
1217     Smu1 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta1 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
1218     Smu2 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);Sdelta2 <- matrix(0, m, jimax);
1220     # Prepare for FORTRAN
1221     covs1 <- matrix(datamat1[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat1)[1], dim(datamat1)[2] - 8)
1222     ncovs1 <- dim(covs1)[2]
1223     d1 <- dim(covs1)[1]
1224     index1 <- datamat1[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
1225     delta1 <- datamat1[, "delta"]
1227     # First, compute the sums for the first data set.
1228     Sm1 <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
1229             betahat = as.double(betahat1),
1230             index = as.integer(index1),
1231             delta = as.double(delta1),
1232             Z = as.double(covs1),
1233             alphars = as.double(alphars1),
1234             as = as.double(as1),
1235             d = as.integer(d1),
1236             ncovs = as.integer(ncovs1),
1237             nr = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[1]),
1238             ns = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[2]),
1239             m = as.integer(m),
1240             maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
1241             Smu = as.double(Smu1),
1242             Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta1)))
1244     Smu1 <- matrix(Sm1$Smu, m, jimax)
1245     Sdelta1 <- matrix(Sm1$Sdelta, m, jimax)
1247     # Compute sums for the second data set
1248     covs2 <- matrix(datamat2[, -(1:8)], dim(datamat2)[1], dim(datamat2)[2] - 8)
1249     ncovs2 <- dim(covs2)[2]
1250     d2 <- dim(covs2)[1]
1251     index2 <- datamat2[, c("i", "j", "k", "r", "smin", "smax")]
1252     delta2 <- datamat2[, "delta"]
1254     Sm2 <- try(.Fortran("fsmuij",
1255             betahat = as.double(betahat2),
1256             index = as.integer(index2),
1257             delta = as.double(delta2),
1258             Z = as.double(covs2),
1259             alphars = as.double(alphars2),
1260             as = as.double(as2),
1261             d = as.integer(d2),
1262             ncovs = as.integer(ncovs2),
1263             nr = as.integer(dim(alphars2)[1]),
1264             ns = as.integer(dim(alphars2)[2]),
1265             m = as.integer(m),
1266             maxj = as.integer(max(Ji)),
1267             Smu = as.double(Smu2),
1268             Sdelta = as.double(Sdelta2)))
1270     Smu2 <- matrix(Sm2$Smu, m, jimax)
1271     Sdelta2 <- matrix(Sm2$Sdelta, m, jimax)
1273     # This computation relies on the fact that for vectors x_1, x_2, 
1274     # a^Tx_1x_2^Te = (a^Tx_1)(a^Tx_2). Therefore,
1275     # the numerator and denominator of sig2nu2= can be computed as
1276     sig2nu2num <- sum((Sdelta1 - Smu1) * (Sdelta2 - Smu2))
1277     sig2nu2den <- sum(Smu1 * Smu2)
1278     #! If they come from the same data set, we must subtract the diagonal elements
1279     if(same){
1280         Smud2 <- try(.Fortran("fsmud2",
1281                     betahat = as.double(betahat1),
1282                     index = as.integer(index1),
1283                     delta = as.double(delta1),
1284                     Z = as.double(covs1),
1285                     alphars = as.double(alphars1),
1286                     as = as.double(as1),
1287                     d = as.integer(d1),
1288                     ncovs = as.integer(ncovs1),
1289                     nr = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[1]),
1290                     ns = as.integer(dim(alphars1)[2]),
1291                     Smud = as.double(0),
1292                     Smu2 = as.double(0)))
1293         Smud <- Smud2$Smud
1294         Smusq <- Smud2$Smu2
1295         # Correct the estimates by removing the diagonal terms
1296         sig2nu2num <- sig2nu2num - Smud
1297         sig2nu2den <- sig2nu2den - Smusq
1298     }
1299     sig2nu2 <- sig2nu2num / sig2nu2den
1301     # Computing the value of  sig2 is analogous. 
1302     # First, sum over all the subjects in each cluster, then compute the 
1303     # numerator and denominator separately, by adding all the cross terms 
1304     # and subtracting those for which b = j.
1305     Sdeltai1 <- apply(Sdelta1, 1, sum)
1306     Sdeltai2 <- apply(Sdelta2, 1, sum)
1307     Smui1 <- apply(Smu1, 1, sum)
1308     Smui2 <- apply(Smu2, 1, sum)
1309     sig2 <- (sum((Sdeltai1 - Smui1) * (Sdeltai2 - Smui2)) - sum((Sdelta1 - Smu1) *
1310         (Sdelta2 - Smu2))) / (sum(Smui1 * Smui2) - sum(Smu1 * Smu2))
1312     # Format for output
1313     return(list(sig2nu2 = sig2nu2, sig2 = sig2))
1314 }