simulation/gen2AG [ Functions ]


    gen2AG --- create AG data frame


Convert generated data into Anderson - Gill format


319 gen2AG <- function(m, Ji, Zij, Rij1, Rij2, Cij, alternating, timedep){


    m      number of clusters
    Ji     cluster size
    Zij    list of generated covariates and times
    Rij1   recurrent event gap times 1
    Rij2   recurrent event gap times 2
    Cij    censoring times
    alternating  boolean epsisodic data indicator
    timedep      time-dependent covariate indicator


    data frame in format used by bivrec.agdata


322     if(timedep){
323         Zij1 <- Zij$Zij1
324         Zij1times <- Zij$Zij1times
325         Zij2 <- matrix(0, dim(Zij1)[1], 100)
326     }else{
327         if(!is.matrix(Zij) && !is.list(Zij)) {
328             Zij1 <- matrix(rep(Zij, 100), length(Zij), 100)
329             Zij2 <- matrix(0, dim(Zij1)[1], 100)
330         }
331         if(is.list(Zij)){
332             Zij1 <- matrix(rep(Zij$Zij1, 100), length(Zij$Zij1), 100)
333             Zij2 <- matrix(rep(Zij$Zij2, 100), length(Zij$Zij2), 100)
334         }    
335         Zij1times <- matrix(Inf, dim(Zij1)[1], 100)
336     }
337         kmax <- 100 # maximum number of events allowed before censoring
338     ## Compute the number of observed events for each individual
339         nevents1 <- rep(0, sum(Ji))  
340     ## Compute the number of observed events for each individual
341         nevents2 <- rep(0, sum(Ji))  
342         ncovchange <- rep(0, sum(Ji))
343     ## observed events
344         for(ij in 1:sum(Ji)) nevents1[ij] <- sum(cumsum(Rij1[ij, ]) < Cij[ij]) 
345         for(ij in 1:sum(Ji)) nevents2[ij] <- sum(cumsum(Rij2[ij, ]) < Cij[ij]) 
346     ## observed covariate changes
347         for(ij in 1:sum(Ji)) ncovchange[ij] <- sum(cumsum(Zij1times[ij, ]) < Cij[ij]) 
348         outdata.matrix <- matrix(0, sum(nevents1 + nevents2 + ncovchange + 1), 10)
349         outrow <- 1
350         # Loop runs over all individuals and generates an Anderson - Gill line
351         # for each event time that is less than the follow - up time
352         # Columns: i: Cluster, j: Individual, k: At risk for which event
353     #   start / stop: Cumulative times, Z: Covariate values, Delta / delta: indicators 
354     if(!alternating){
355         for(i in 1:m){
356             for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
357                 ij <- sum(Ji[0:(i - 1)]) + j
358                 ThisFollowTime <- Cij[ij]
359                 CumTimes1 <- cumsum(Rij1[ij, ])
360                 CumTimes2 <- cumsum(Rij2[ij, ])
361                 CumTimesZ <- cumsum(Zij1times[ij, ])
362                 CumTimes1 <- CumTimes1[CumTimes1 < ThisFollowTime]
363                 CumTimes2 <- CumTimes2[CumTimes2 < ThisFollowTime]
364                 CumTimesZ <- CumTimesZ[CumTimesZ < ThisFollowTime]
365                 l1 <- length(CumTimes1)
366                 l2 <- length(CumTimes2)
367                 lZ <- length(CumTimesZ)
368                 thisoutdata <- matrix(0, l1 + l2 + lZ + 1, 10)
369                 thisoutdata[, 1] <- i;thisoutdata[, 2] <- j;
370                 thisoutdata[, 6] <- c(CumTimes1, CumTimes2, CumTimesZ, ThisFollowTime)
371                 thisoutdata[, 7] <- c(rep(1, l1), rep(0, l2 + lZ + 1))
372                 thisoutdata[, 8] <- c(rep(0, l1), rep(1, l2), rep(0, lZ + 1))
373                 thisoutdata[, 9] <- c(rep(NA, l1 + l2), Zij1[ij, (lZ > 0) * (1:lZ)],
374                     Zij1[ij, min(which(cumsum(Zij1times[ij, ]) > ThisFollowTime))])
375                 thisoutdata[, 10] <- c(rep(NA, l1 + l2), Zij2[ij, (lZ > 0) * (1:lZ)],
376                     Zij2[ij, min(which(cumsum(Zij1times[ij, ]) > ThisFollowTime))])
377                 thisoutdata <- matrix(thisoutdata[order(thisoutdata[, 6]), ],
378                     dim(thisoutdata)[1], dim(thisoutdata)[2])    
379                 thisoutdata[, 3] <- cumsum(c(1, thisoutdata[, 7] + 
380                     thisoutdata[, 8]))[ - (dim(thisoutdata)[1] + 1)]     
381                 for(ind in (dim(thisoutdata)[1]):1){
382                     if(![ind, 9])) thisZ1 <- thisoutdata[ind, 9] 
383                     else thisoutdata[ind, 9] <- thisZ1
384                     if(![ind, 10])) thisZ2 <- thisoutdata[ind, 10] 
385                     else thisoutdata[ind, 10] <- thisZ2
386                     k <- thisoutdata[ind, 3]
387                     thisoutdata[ind, 4] <- L(i, j, k, Zij1[ij, k])
388                     if(ind > 1) thisoutdata[ind, 5] <- thisoutdata[ind - 1, 6]
389                 }
390                 newoutrow <- outrow + dim(thisoutdata)[1]
391                 outdata.matrix[outrow:(newoutrow - 1), ] <- thisoutdata
392                 outrow <- newoutrow
393             }
394         }
395     }else{
396         for(i in 1:m){
397             for(j in 1:Ji[i]){
398                 ij <- sum(Ji[0:(i - 1)]) + j
399                 ThisFollowTime <- Cij[ij]
400                 CumTime <- 0
401                 k <- 1;eventct <- 1
402                 while(CumTime < ThisFollowTime){
403                     if((CumTime + Rij1[ij, eventct]) < ThisFollowTime){
404                         thisoutdata <- c(i, j, k, L(i, j, k, Zij1[ij, eventct]),
405                             CumTime, CumTime + Rij1[ij, eventct], 1, 0, 
406                             Zij1[ij, eventct], Zij2[ij, eventct])
407                         CumTime <- CumTime + Rij1[ij, eventct]
408                         outdata.matrix[outrow, ] <- thisoutdata
409                         k <- k + 1;outrow <- outrow + 1
410                     }else{
411                         thisoutdata <- c(i, j, k, L(i, j, k, Zij1[ij, eventct]),
412                             CumTime, ThisFollowTime, 0, 0, Zij1[ij, eventct],
413                             Zij2[ij, eventct])
414                         CumTime <- ThisFollowTime
415                         outdata.matrix[outrow, ] <- thisoutdata
416                         k <- k + 1;outrow <- outrow + 1
417                     }
418                     if((CumTime + Rij2[ij, eventct]) < ThisFollowTime){
419                         thisoutdata <- c(i, j, k, L(i, j, k, Zij2[ij, eventct]),
420                             CumTime, CumTime + Rij2[ij, eventct], 0, 1,
421                             Zij1[ij, eventct], Zij2[ij, eventct])
422                         CumTime <- CumTime + Rij2[ij, eventct]
423                         outdata.matrix[outrow, ] <- thisoutdata
424                         k <- k + 1;outrow <- outrow + 1
425                     }else{
426                         if(CumTime < ThisFollowTime){
427                             thisoutdata <- c(i, j, k, L(i, j, k, Zij2[ij, eventct]),
428                                 CumTime, ThisFollowTime, 0, 0, Zij1[ij, eventct],
429                                 Zij2[ij, eventct])
430                             CumTime <- ThisFollowTime
431                             outdata.matrix[outrow, ] <- thisoutdata
432                             k <- k + 1;outrow <- outrow + 1
433                         }
434                     }
435                     eventct <- eventct + 1
436                 }
437             }
438         }
440     }
441         outdata <-[1:(outrow - 1), ])
442         colnames(outdata) <- c("i", "j", "k", "r", "start", "stop",
443                             "delta", "Delta", "Z1", "Z2")
444         return(outdata)
445 }