00main/bivrec.agdata [ Functions ]


    bivrec.agdata --- fitter for bivariate models


The main fitting function. Fits the model, given an Anderson-Gill data set and other parameters, iterating between updating frailty, dispersion and regression parameters until convergence. After initializing, fitting consists of iteratively calling fupdatefrailties4 to update frailty estimates, updatedisppears to update dispersion parameter estimtes, and updateregprof to update regression parameter estimates. The function fmkstderr computes standard errors at the end.

See also the call graph linked from 00main.

This function should not be called directly, rather, the interface provided by the bivrec.formula and unirec.formula methods should be used.


2449 bivrec.agdata <- function(x, K1 = 10, K2 = 10, excludevars1 = NULL, 
2450         excludevars2 = NULL, verbose = 1, alternating = FALSE,
2451         dispest = "pearson", correction = "none", computesd = TRUE,
2452         fullS = TRUE, fixzero = NULL, smooth = FALSE, maxiter = 200,
2453         convergence = 1e-3, initial = NULL)


       x           a data frame with the following columns:
                   i       cluster index
                   j       subject index
                   k       event counter
                   r       stratum index
                   start   interval start time
                   stop    interval stop time
                   delta   indicator for event 1
                   Delta   indicator for event 2
                   ...     columns of all covariates used in the model
       K1          if > 1, number of discretization breakpoints for event 1
                   if < 1, proportion relative to maximum
                   can be of length > 1 for different strata
       K2          analogous for event 2
       excludevars1    vector of strings giving covariate names that should
                       not be included for process 1
       excludevars2    analogous for process 2
       verbose     integer from 1-5 specifying the amount of output printed
       alternating  boolean indicating whether the data are episodic
       dispest     dispersion parameter estimators to use. Options are
                   "pearson", "marginal" and "ohlsson"
       correction  determines whether to use Ma's correction. Options are
                   "none", "single" or "double"
       computesd   boolean, determines whether to compute standard errors
       fullS       boolean, determines whether to compute the full 
                   sensitivity matrix
       fixzero     list of parameters that should be fixed at 0. For
                   univariate models, this should contain "sigma2dhat",
                   "nu2dhat" and "thetahat"
       smooth      boolean, whether to smooth the baseline hazards
       maxiter     maximum number of iterations permitted before failing
       convergence  convergence criterion, absolute change in all params
       initial     optionally a list containing initial values for
                   betahat, betadhat, Uihat, Vihat, Uijhat, Vijhat and dispparams


       an object of class bivrec, see the package documentation for details


2456 {
2457     # Read in the input and make basic adjustments
2458     agdata <- x
2459     K <- K1;Kd <- K2;
2460     if(is.null(excludevars1)) vars1 <- NULL else 
2461         vars1 <- which(!colnames(x)[ - (1:8)]%in%excludevars1)
2462     if(is.null(excludevars2)) vars2 <- NULL else 
2463         vars2 <- which(!colnames(x)[ - (1:8)]%in%excludevars2)
2464     maxiter.outer <- maxiter; thresh.outer <- convergence;
2465     fixzero <- fixzero[fixzero%in%c("clust1", "clust2", "subj1", "subj2", "cov")]
2466     fixzero[fixzero == "clust1"] <- "sigma2hat"
2467     fixzero[fixzero == "clust2"] <- "sigma2dhat"
2468     fixzero[fixzero == "subj1"] <- "nu2hat"
2469     fixzero[fixzero == "subj2"] <- "nu2dhat"
2470     fixzero[fixzero == "cov"] <- "thetahat"
2471     if(length(fixzero) == 0) fixzero <- NULL
2473     # Check whether a univariate model is being fit
2474     if(all(c("sigma2dhat", "nu2dhat", "thetahat")%in%fixzero)) 
2475         univariate <- TRUE else univariate <- FALSE
2477     call <-
2478     # Get the values of m and Ji from the agdata matrix, and set 
2479     # global variables with those values.
2480     m <- max(agdata$i)
2481     Jilocal <- rep(0, m)
2482     for(i in 1:m){
2483         Jilocal[i] <- max(agdata$j[agdata$i == i])
2484     }
2485     Ji <- Jilocal
2486     # If the provided K, Kd are of length 1, then assume all strata should 
2487     # have the same number of breakpoints
2488     nr <- length(unique(agdata$r))
2490     ###########################
2491     #### Begin find initial values for frailties and coefficients
2493     # Initial values are computed using coxph. 
2494     # For recurrent events, the response time is the interevent time stop - start, 
2495     # and event indicator delta. 
2496     if(verbose >= 2) cat("Get initial values\n")
2497     if(dim(agdata)[2] > 9) if(sum(agdata[, 10] != 0) == 0) agdata <- agdata[, -10]
2499     # create separate data frames for each process
2500     agdata1 <- agdata[, -8]
2501     agdata2 <- agdata[, -7];colnames(agdata2)[7] <- "delta"
2503     # remove duplicate rows in each of the two data frames, and adjust the
2504     # times accordingly
2505     if(alternating){
2506         atrisk1 <- c(TRUE,!duplicated(agdata[, 1:2])[ - 1]) | 
2507                 c(TRUE, agdata$Delta[ - length(agdata$Delta)] == 1)
2508         agdata1 <- agdata[atrisk1, ]
2509         agdata2 <- agdata[!atrisk1, ]
2510         agdata1 <- agdata1[, -8]
2511         agdata2 <- agdata2[, -7];colnames(agdata2)[7] <- "delta"
2512     }else{
2513         # new method
2514         dup <- duplicated(agdata1[, -c(3, 5, 6, 7)])
2515         dup <- c(dup[ - 1], FALSE) & agdata1$delta != 1
2516         agdata1 <- agdata1[!dup, ]
2517         agdata1$start[ - 1] <- agdata1$stop[ - length(agdata1$stop)]
2518         agdata1$start[!duplicated(agdata1[, 1:2])] <- 0
2520         dup <- duplicated(agdata2[, -c(3, 5, 6, 7)])
2521         dup <- c(dup[ - 1], FALSE) & agdata2$delta != 1
2522         agdata2 <- agdata2[!dup, ]
2523         agdata2$start[ - 1] <- agdata2$stop[ - length(agdata2$stop)]
2524         agdata2$start[!duplicated(agdata2[, 1:2])] <- 0
2525     }
2527     # Remove excluded covariates
2528     if(!is.null(vars1)) agdata1 <- agdata1[, c(1:7, 7 + vars1)]
2529     if(!is.null(vars2)) agdata2 <- agdata2[, c(1:7, 7 + vars2)]
2531     # Compute the number of discretization breakpoints, if K or Kd were specified
2532     # as a proportion of the maximum
2533     if(length(K) == 1 & K <= 1) {
2534         Kout <- rep(0, nr)
2535         for(r in 1:nr) Kout[r] <- round(length(unique((agdata1$stop -
2536             agdata1$start)[agdata1$delta == 1 & agdata1$r == r])) * K)
2537         K <- Kout
2538     }
2539     if(length(Kd) == 1 & Kd <= 1) {
2540         Kout <- rep(0, nr)
2541         for(r in 1:nr) Kout[r] <- round(length(unique((agdata2$stop -
2542             agdata2$start)[agdata2$delta == 1 & agdata2$r == r])) * Kd)
2543         Kd <- Kout
2544     }
2545     if(length(K) == 1) K = rep(K, nr)
2546     if(length(Kd) == 1) Kd = rep(Kd, nr)
2547     if(length(Kd) != nr | length(K) != nr) stop("K needs to be as long as the number of strata")
2548     if(univariate) Kd <- 1
2549     if(verbose >= 1)  cat("K = ", K, "\t Kd = ", Kd, "\n")
2551     # Covariate names are needed for Cox model fits and for output
2552     covariatenames1 <- paste(colnames(agdata1)[ - (1:7)], collapse = " + ")
2553     covariatenames2 <- paste(colnames(agdata2)[ - (1:7)], collapse = " + ")
2555     if(is.null(initial)){
2557         # gamma frailties
2558         ftype <- "gamma"
2560         # Models need to be fit with both subject - level frailties, and 
2561         # cluster - level frailties, resulting in the four models fit below.
2562         # Compute Cox fits with cluster frailties
2563         if(m > 1){
2564             cox.clust1 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
2565                 covariatenames1, "+ frailty(i, distribution='", ftype, "')",
2566                 sep = "")), agdata1))
2567             if(!univariate)
2568                 cox.clust2 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
2569                     covariatenames2, "+ frailty(i, distribution='", ftype, "')",
2570                     sep = "")), agdata2))
2571             else
2572                 cox.clust2 <- list(frail = rep(0, m), fvar = 0)
2573         }else{
2574             cox.clust1 <- list(frail = 0, fvar = 0)
2575             cox.clust2 <- list(frail = 0, fvar = 0)
2576         }
2577         # Compute Cox fits with subject - level frailties
2578         cox.ind1 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
2579             covariatenames1, "+ frailty(i * 1000 + j, distribution='", ftype, "')",
2580             sep = "")), agdata1))
2581         if(!univariate)
2582             cox.ind2 <- try(coxph(as.formula(paste("Surv(stop - start, delta) ~",
2583                 covariatenames2, "+ frailty(i * 1000 + j, distribution='", ftype, "')",
2584                 sep = "")), agdata2))
2585         else
2586             cox.ind2 <- list(frail = rep(0, sum(Ji)), fvar = 0,
2587                 coef = rep(0, dim(agdata2)[2] - 7))
2589         if(inherits(cox.clust1, "try - error") | inherits(cox.clust2, "try - error") |
2590             inherits(cox.ind1, "try - error") | inherits(cox.ind2, "try - error") )  
2591             browser()
2593         ## Set initial values for frailties based on estimated values
2594         Uihat <- exp(cox.clust1$frail)
2595         Vihat <- exp(cox.clust2$frail)
2596         if(!alternating){
2597             Uijhat <- exp(cox.ind1$frail)
2598             Vijhat <- exp(cox.ind2$frail)
2599         }else{
2600             Uijhat <- exp(cox.ind1$frail)
2601             Vijhat <- rep(1, length(Uijhat))
2602             Vijhat[unique(agdata1$i * 1000 + agdata1$j)%in%unique(agdata2$i * 1000 +
2603                 agdata2$j)] <- exp(cox.ind2$frail)
2604         }
2606         ## Set initial values for dispersion parameters
2607         sigma2hat <- mean(cox.clust1$fvar)
2608         sigma2dhat <- mean(cox.clust2$fvar)
2609         nu2hat <- max(mean(cox.ind1$fvar) - sigma2hat, .1)
2610         nu2dhat <- max(mean(cox.ind2$fvar) - sigma2hat, .1)
2611         thetahat <- cov(Uijhat, Vijhat)
2613         ## Check that dispersion parameters are valid
2614         if(abs(thetahat)<.001) thetahat <- sign(thetahat)*.01
2615         if(abs(sigma2hat)<.001) sigma2hat <- sign(sigma2hat)*.01
2616         if(abs(sigma2dhat)<.001) sigma2dhat <- sign(sigma2dhat)*.01
2617         if(abs(nu2hat)<.001) nu2hat <- sign(nu2hat)*.01
2618         if(abs(nu2dhat)<.001) nu2dhat <- sign(nu2dhat)*.01
2620         ## Extract initial regression parameters
2621         betahat <- cox.ind1$coef
2622         betadhat <- cox.ind2$coef
2624         # Save initial dispersion parameters
2625         dispparams <- list(sigma2hat = sigma2hat, sigma2dhat = sigma2dhat,
2626                 nu2hat = nu2hat, nu2dhat = nu2dhat, thetahat = thetahat)
2628         # Fix something at zero if desired
2629         dispparams[fixzero] <- 0
2631         if(sum( + sum( > 0){
2632             warning("Unable to find good starting values")
2633             return(0)    
2634         }
2636         ## Save all initial values for output
2637         initial <- list(betahat = betahat, betadhat = betadhat, 
2638                         dispparams = dispparams) 
2639         if(verbose >= 1) cat("\t betahat =", betahat, ", betadhat = ", 
2640                             betadhat, "\n")
2641         if(verbose >= 1) cat("\t dispparams = ", dispparams$sigma2hat,
2642             dispparams$sigma2dhat, dispparams$nu2hat, dispparams$nu2dhat,
2643             dispparams$thetahat, "\n")
2645     }else{  # if initial values are provided, use those
2646         dispparams <- initial$dispparams
2647         Uihat <- initial$Uihat
2648         Uijhat <- initial$Uijhat
2649         Vihat <- initial$Vihat
2650         Vijhat <- initial$Vijhat
2651         betahat <- initial$betahat
2652         betadhat <- initial$betadhat
2653     }
2655     ##########################
2656     ### Convert Anderson - Gill data into matrix form and initialize matrices    
2657     if(verbose >= 2) cat("Initialize matrices for estimation\n")
2659     ## Compute breakpoints
2660     as <- makeas(agdata1, K, alternating)
2661     asd <- makeas(agdata2, Kd, alternating)
2663     ## Write frailty estimates in the form of a matrix
2664     Uijhatframe <- makeUijframe(m, Ji, Uijhat, Vijhat)
2666     ## Create data matrix
2667     datamat <- makedatamat(agdata1, as, alternating)
2668     datamatd <- makedatamat(agdata2, asd, alternating)
2670     ## Compute initial estimates of baseline hazard parameters    
2671     alphars <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamat, betahat, as, Uijhatframe$Uijmat, smooth)
2672     alpharsd <- fmakealphars2(m, Ji, datamatd, betadhat, asd, 
2673                                             Uijhatframe$Vijmat, smooth)
2675     ## Cleanup: Remove Anderson - Gill data
2676     varnames1 <- colnames(agdata1)[ - (1:7)]
2677     varnames2 <- colnames(agdata2)[ - (1:7)]
2678     rm(agdata)
2680     ##########################
2681     ### Begin iterative estimation procedure
2683     if(verbose >= 2) cat("Iterative estimation procedure\n")
2685     ## Initialize convergence criterion
2686     convergence <- 1000
2687     iter <- 0
2689     # Compute ad - hoc correction value
2690     if(is.character(correction)){
2691         if(correction == "none") corrval <- 1
2692         if(correction == "single") corrval <- max(1, m / (m - length(varnames1)))
2693         if(correction == "double") corrval <- max(1, m / (m - 2 * length(varnames1)))
2694     } else corrval <- correction    
2696     ## Loop until convergence
2697     while((convergence > thresh.outer) & (iter <= maxiter.outer)){
2699         # Starting convergence criterion and iteration counter
2700         conv.inner <- 1000
2701         iter.inner <- 0          
2703         ######## Step 1: Update Frailty estimates
2704         if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating frailty estimates\n")
2705         frailtyoutput <- fupdatefrailties4(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
2706                 alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, dispparams)
2708          ######## Step 2: Update Dispersion coefficient estimates
2709         if(dispest == "ohlsson"){
2710             if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Ohlsson)\n")
2711             # Use Ohlsson estimators
2712             dispersionoutput <- updatedispohls(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
2713                     alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero)
2714             if(is.null(names(dispersionoutput))){return(0)} 
2715         }
2716         if(dispest == "pearson"){
2717             if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Pearson)\n")
2718             # Use Pearson estimation code
2719             dispersionoutput <- updatedisppears(m, Ji, frailtyoutput, 
2720                     dispparams, corrval)
2721             dispersionoutput[fixzero] <- 0
2722         }
2723         if(dispest == "marginal"){
2724             if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating dispersion parameters (Marginal)\n")
2725             # Use marginal estimation code
2726             dispersionoutput <- updatedispmarg2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
2727                 alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero, univariate)
2728         }
2729         if(length(dispest) == 5){
2730             # it's possible to compute some parameters via Pearson and others by
2731             # marginal estimators. This was for testing only, there's no reason
2732             # to ever do this!
2733             dispersionoutput.marg <- unlist(updatedispmarg2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
2734                 alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, fixzero))
2735             dispersionoutput.pears <- unlist(updatedisppears(m, Ji, frailtyoutput,
2736                 dispparams, corrval))
2737             dispersionoutput <- dispersionoutput.marg
2738             dispersionoutput[dispest == "p"] <- dispersionoutput.pears[dispest == "p"]
2739             dispersionoutput <- as.list(dispersionoutput)
2740         }
2742         iter.inner <- iter.inner + 1
2744         ######## Step 3: Update Regression parameter estimates
2745             if(verbose >= 2) cat("\tUpdating regression parameter estimates ...\n")
2746         regressionoutput <- updateregprof(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd,
2747                 alphars, alpharsd, as, asd, betahat, betadhat, K, Kd,
2748                 frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, smooth)
2749         if(is.null(names(regressionoutput))){
2750             return(0)
2751         } 
2752         alpharsnew <- regressionoutput$alphars;
2753         alpharsdnew <- regressionoutput$alpharsd;
2754         betahatnew <- regressionoutput$betahat;
2755         betadhatnew <- regressionoutput$betadhat;
2757         # Compute new value of convergence criterion
2758         newconvergence <- sum(abs(betahatnew - betahat)) +
2759                           sum(abs(betadhatnew - betadhat)) +
2760                           abs(dispparams$sigma2hat - dispersionoutput$sigma2hat) +
2761                           abs(dispparams$sigma2dhat - dispersionoutput$sigma2dhat) +
2762                           abs(dispparams$nu2hat - dispersionoutput$nu2hat) +
2763                           abs(dispparams$nu2dhat - dispersionoutput$nu2dhat) +
2764                           abs(dispparams$thetahat - dispersionoutput$thetahat)
2765         if(verbose >= 1) cat("\tConvergence criterion: ", newconvergence, "\n")
2767         # DEBUG: Output state at this iteration
2768         if(verbose >= 2) cat("\t betahat =", betahatnew, ", betadhat = ",
2769                              betadhatnew, "\n")
2770         if(verbose >= 2) cat("\t dispparams = ", format(unlist(dispersionoutput),
2771                              digits = 4), "\n")
2773         if(is.nan(newconvergence) | iter == maxiter.outer |
2774                         (newconvergence - convergence) > 10) {
2775             warning("Outer loop did not converge")
2776             return(0)
2777         }
2779         # Replace parameter values with new parameters
2780         alphars <- alpharsnew
2781         alpharsd <- alpharsdnew
2782         betahat <- betahatnew
2783         betadhat <- betadhatnew
2784         convergence <- newconvergence
2785         dispparams <- dispersionoutput   
2786         iter <- iter + 1
2787     }
2789     ## Format for output, compute standard errors, etc
2790     betahat <- regressionoutput$betahat
2791     betadhat <- regressionoutput$betadhat
2792     alphars <- as.vector(regressionoutput$alphars)
2793     alpharsd <- as.vector(regressionoutput$alpharsd)
2794     if(computesd){
2795         # Compute standard errors either using full sensitivity matrix, or only
2796         # the sensitivity of the regression coefficients
2797         if(fullS){
2798             np <- length(betahat) + sum(K);npd <- length(betadhat) + sum(Kd)
2799             b <- matrix(0, np + npd, length(betahat) + length(betadhat))
2800             b[c(sum(K) + 1:length(betahat), sum(K) + sum(Kd) + length(betahat) +
2801                 1:length(betadhat)), 1:dim(b)[2]] <- diag(1, dim(b)[2])
2802             stderr <- fmkstderr(m, Ji, b, datamat, datamatd, regressionoutput$alphars,
2803                     regressionoutput$alpharsd, betahat, betadhat, as, asd,
2804                     frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, univariate)            
2805         }else{
2806             S <- fmakeSens2(m, Ji, datamat, datamatd, regressionoutput$alphars,
2807                 regressionoutput$alpharsd, betahat, betadhat, as, asd,
2808                 frailtyoutput, dispersionoutput, K, Kd, fullS)
2809             if(univariate) S <- S[1:length(betahat), 1:length(betahat)]
2810             stderr <- sqrt(diag(-solve(S)))
2811         }
2812         std_betahat <- stderr[1:length(betahat)]
2813         std_betadhat <- stderr[length(betahat) + 1:length(betadhat)]
2814     }else{
2815         stderr <- 0
2816         std_betahat <- 0
2817         std_betadhat <- 0
2818     }
2820     # Compute p-values and summaries
2821     pval = pmin(pnorm(betahat / std_betahat), 1 - pnorm(betahat / std_betahat))
2822     pval.d = pmin(pnorm(betadhat / std_betadhat), 1 - pnorm(betadhat / std_betadhat))
2823     varnames <- unique(c(varnames1, varnames2))
2824     summary.reg <-, length(varnames), 6), row.names = varnames)
2825         colnames(summary.reg) <- c("coeff.1", "se.1", "pval.1", "coeff.2", "se.2", "pval.2")
2826         summary.reg[match(varnames1, varnames), 1:3] <- cbind(betahat, std_betahat, pval)
2827         summary.reg[match(varnames2, varnames), 3 + 1:3] <- 
2828                         cbind(betadhat, std_betadhat, pval.d)
2830     rhohat <- dispparams$thetahat / sqrt((dispparams$sigma2hat + dispparams$nu2hat) *
2831             (dispparams$sigma2dhat + dispparams$nu2dhat))
2833     summary.disp <- c(dispparams$sigma2hat, dispparams$sigma2dhat, dispparams$nu2hat,
2834             dispparams$nu2dhat, dispparams$thetahat, rhohat)
2835     names(summary.disp) <- c("sigma2hat", "sigma2dhat", "nu2hat",
2836             "nu2dhat", "thetahat", "rhohat")
2839     return(list(call = call,
2840                 summary.reg = summary.reg,
2841                 summary.disp = summary.disp,
2842                 regressionoutput = regressionoutput,
2843                 frailtyoutput = frailtyoutput,
2844                 dispparams = dispparams,
2845                 initial = initial,
2846                 stderr = stderr))
2847 }