methodsBiv/bivrec.formula [ Functions ]


    bivrec.formula --- method for formulas


This function is the one dispatched to by bivrec, when a formula is used as the response. Its function is to read the input, ensure the response is a Surv2 object, evaluate the model, and create an Anderson-Gill data frame in the format required by bivrec.agdata, then dispatch to bivrec.agdata for the fitting.


92 bivrec.formula <- function(formula, data = parent.frame(), ...)


    See package documentation


    An object of class bivrec. See package documentation


 95 {
 96     # in part based on coxph function
 97     # evaluate model in parent frame and get covariates, terms and response
 98     call <-
 99     m <- = FALSE)
100     if(is.matrix(eval(m$data, sys.parent()))) m$data <-
101     m$...<-NULL
102     m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
103     special <- c("id", "cluster", "strata")
104     Terms <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula, special) else 
105             terms(formula, special, data = data)    
106     m$formula <- Terms
107     oldNAoption <- getOption("na.action"); options(na.action =
108     m <- eval(m, sys.parent())
109     options(na.action = oldNAoption)
110     n <- nrow(m)
112     # Extract response and check that it is in order
113     resp <- model.extract(m, "response")
114     if (!is.Surv2(resp)) stop("model response must be a Surv2 object")
115     start <- resp[, "start"]
116     stop <- resp[, "stop"]
117     delta <- resp[, "status1"]
118     Delta <- resp[, "status2"]
119     processnames <- attr(resp, "processnames")
120     dropx <- NULL
121     clusterind <- attr(Terms, "specials")$cluster
123     # Cluster handling
124     clusternames <- NULL
125     if(length(clusterind) > 0){
126         cluster <- m[, clusterind]
127         if(is.factor(cluster)) clusternames <- levels(cluster)
128         if(is.numeric(cluster)) clusternames <- as.character(unique(cluster))
129         i <- as.numeric(as.factor(cluster))
130         tempc <- untangle.specials(Terms, "cluster", 1:10)
131         ord <- attr(Terms, "order")[tempc$terms]
132         if (any(ord > 1)) stop("Cluster cannot be used in an interaction")
133         dropx <- c(dropx, tempc$terms)
134     }else{
135         cluster <- rep(1, n)
136         i <- rep(1, n)
137     }
139     # ID handling
140     idind <- attr(Terms, "specials")$id
141     if(length(idind) == 0) stop("a subject id (unique within clusters) is required")
142     else{
143         id <- m[, idind]
144         subjnames <- paste(cluster, id, sep = ".")
145         j <- rep(0, n)
146         if(is.factor(id)) levels(id) <- 1:length(levels(id))
147         for(ii in 1:max(i)){
148             iids <- unique(id[i == ii])
149             jj <- 1
150             for(thisid in iids){
151                 j[i == ii & id == thisid] <- jj
152                 jj <- jj + 1
153             }
154         }
155         tempi <- untangle.specials(Terms, "id", 1:10)
156         ord <- attr(Terms, "order")[tempi$terms]
157         if (any(ord > 1)) stop("id cannot be used in an interaction")
158         dropx <- c(dropx, tempi$terms)
159     }
161     # Stratum handling
162     stratind <- attr(Terms, "specials")$strata
163     if(length(stratind) > 0) 
164     {
165         strat <- m[, stratind]
166         ustrat <- unique(strat)
167         stratnames <- as.character(ustrat)
168         r <- rep(0, n)
169         for(rr in 1:length(ustrat)){
170             r[strat == ustrat[rr]] <- rr
171         }
172         tempr <- untangle.specials(Terms, "strata", 1:10)
173         ord <- attr(Terms, "order")[tempr$terms]
174         if (any(ord > 1)) stop("strata cannot be used in an interaction")
175         dropx <- c(dropx, tempr$terms)
176     }else{
177         r <- rep(1, n)
178         stratnames <- "1"
179     }
181     # Compute event counter
182     Ki <- table(i * 1e6 + j)
183     k <- unlist(as.vector(sapply(Ki, function(x) 1:x)))
185     # drop the specials and construct the model matrix
186     newTerms <- if(length(dropx))  Terms[ - dropx] else Terms
187     X <- model.matrix(newTerms, m)
188     X <- X[, -1, drop = FALSE]
190     # Construct the data frame in the format of bivrec.agdata
191     agdata <-, j, k, r, start, stop, delta, Delta, X))
192     sortord <- order(agdata$i, agdata$j)
193     agdata <- agdata[sortord, ]
194     subjnames <- unique(subjnames[sortord])
196     # Basic check that the input is in order
197     check <- checkinput.bivrec(agdata, clusternames, subjnames, 
198                 stratnames, processnames)
200     # Pass it to bivrec.agdata
201     fit <- bivrec(agdata, ...)
202     fit$call <- call
204     # Clean up the output
205     fit <- cleanbivrecoutput(fit, clusternames, subjnames, stratnames, processnames)
206     return(fit)
207 }