simulation/bivrecsim [ Functions ]


    bivrecsim --- conduct a set of simulations


Conducts simulations and dumps the output to a file


43 bivrecsim <- function(Nsim, m = 10, Ji = rep(5, 10), K = 10, Kd = 10, timedep = FALSE,
44         dumpfile = "dump", correction = "none", outputfrailties = FALSE,
45         computesd = FALSE, type = "lognormal", dispest = "pearson", ragged = FALSE,
46         censortime = 100, fixzero = NULL, smooth = FALSE, fullS = TRUE, boot = NULL,
47         verbose = 2, maxiter = 200, alternating = FALSE)


    Nsim       number of simulations
    timedep    boolean, whether to use time-depencent covariates
    dumpfile   file into which to dump the results
    outputfrailties    boolean, whether to dump frailty estimates
    type       type of frailties to generate
    ragged     boolean, whether to use clusters of different sizes
    censortime     fixed censoring time
    ...        other parameters matching those of bivrec.agdata


    a dump file containing simulation results


 50 {
 52     # Set global variables
 53     params <- initsetup(timedep, m, Ji, K, Kd, fixzero, alternating)
 55     # Simulation loop
 56      for(isim in 1:Nsim){
 58         cat("\nSimulation ", isim, "\n")
 59         if(ragged){
 60             Jilocal <- ceiling(runif(m) * max(Ji))
 61         }else{
 62             Jilocal <- Ji
 63         }
 65         ###########################
 66         #### Begin initialization of simulation i:
 68         ## Generate frailties, events, deaths, etc. There must be at least one event
 69         ## and one death in each cluster.
 70         nclustevents1 <- 0; nclustevents2 <- 0;ngens <- 0
 71         while(min(nclustevents1) == 0 | min(nclustevents2) == 0){
 73             #### Generate frailties:
 74             UV <- generatefrailty(type = type, params)
 75             Ui <- UV$Ui; Vi <- UV$Vi; Uij <- UV$Uij; Vij <- UV$Vij; 
 77             ## Generate a single covariate value (may or may not be constant)
 78             Zij <- generatecovariate(params)
 80             ## Compute followup times
 81             Cij <- generatecensoring(m, Jilocal, params$lambda0c, params$gamweibc)
 83             ## Generate recurrent event times
 84             Rij1 <- generaterecurrent(m, Jilocal, Zij, Uij, params$beta1,
 85                 params$beta2, params$lambda0, params$gamweib, params$timedep, Cij)
 86             Rij2 <- generaterecurrent(m, Jilocal, Zij, Vij, params$beta1d,
 87                 params$beta2d, params$lambda0d, params$gamweibd, params$timedep, Cij)
 89             ## Generate death times, based on covariates and frailty
 90             #Dij <- generatedeath(Zij, Rij, Vij, m, Jilocal)
 93             ## Compute the number of recurrent events observed
 94             nevents1 <- rep(0, sum(Jilocal))
 95             nevents2 <- rep(0, sum(Jilocal))
 96             for(ij in 1:sum(Jilocal)) nevents1[ij] <- sum(cumsum(Rij1[ij, ]) < Cij[ij])
 97             for(ij in 1:sum(Jilocal)) nevents2[ij] <- sum(cumsum(Rij2[ij, ]) < Cij[ij])
 98             ## Compute the number of events and deaths observed in each cluster
 99             ij <- rep(1:m, Jilocal)
100             for (i in 1:m){
101                 nclustevents1[i] <- sum(nevents1[ij == i])
102                 nclustevents2[i] <- sum(nevents2[ij == i])
103             }
104             ngens <- ngens + 1
106          #   if(alternating & any(nevents1 == 0)) nclustevents1 <- 0
108         }
110         ## Transform generated data into Anderson - Gill format
111         agdata <- gen2AG(m, Jilocal, Zij, Rij1, Rij2, Cij, alternating, params$timedep)
113         ## Clean up initialization
114         #rm(Dij, Rij, Xij, nevents, nclustevents, nclustdeath, UV)
116         ## Fit the model:
117         fit <- bivrec(agdata, K, Kd, correction, dispest = dispest,
118             computesd = computesd, fixzero = fixzero, smooth = smooth, fullS = fullS,
119             verbose = verbose, maxiter = maxiter, alternating = alternating)
120         if(!is.null(boot)){
121             bootopts <- paste(names(boot), boot, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
122             bootout <- NULL;
123             bootstring <- paste("bootout <- bootrd(agdata, fit, ", bootopts, ")",
124                 sep = "")
125             eval(parse(text = bootstring))
126         }
128         if(!is.null(names(fit))){
129             ## DEBUG: Dump stuff to a file
130             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tbetahat:\t", fit$regressionoutput$betahat, "\n" , 
131                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
132             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tbetadhat:\t ", fit$regressionoutput$betadhat, "\n", 
133                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
134             if(computesd){
135             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tstdbetahat:\t ", fit$stderr[1], "\n", 
136                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
137             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tstdbetadhat:\t ", fit$stderr[2], "\n", 
138                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
139             }
140             if(outputfrailties){ 
141             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tUi:\t ", Ui, "\n", 
142                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
143             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tUihat:\t ", fit$frailtyoutput$Uihat, "\n", 
144                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
145             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tVi:\t ", Vi, "\n", 
146                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
147             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tVihat:\t ", fit$frailtyoutput$Vihat, "\n", 
148                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
149             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tUij:\t ", Uij, "\n", 
150                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
151             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tUijhat:\t ", fit$frailtyoutput$Uijhat, "\n", 
152                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
153             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tVij:\t ", Vij, "\n", 
154                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)  
155             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tVijhat:\t ", fit$frailtyoutput$Vijhat, "\n", 
156                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
157             }
158             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tsigma2hat:\t ", fit$dispparams$sigma2hat, "\n", 
159                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
160             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tsigma2dhat:\t ", fit$dispparams$sigma2dhat, "\n", 
161                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
162             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tnu2hat:\t ", fit$dispparams$nu2hat, "\n", 
163                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
164             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tnu2dhat:\t ", fit$dispparams$nu2dhat, "\n", 
165                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)    
166             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tthetahat:\t ", fit$dispparams$thetahat, "\n", 
167                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
169            # Dump initial values to file
170             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tbetahat:\t", fit$initial$betahat, "\n" ,
171                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
172             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tbetadhat:\t ", fit$initial$betadhat, "\n", 
173                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)           
174             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tsigma2hat:\t ", fit$initial$dispparams$sigma2hat, "\n", 
175                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
176             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tsigma2dhat:\t ", fit$initial$dispparams$sigma2dhat, "\n", 
177                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
178             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tnu2hat:\t ", fit$initial$dispparams$nu2hat, "\n", 
179                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
180             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tnu2dhat:\t ", fit$initial$dispparams$nu2dhat, "\n", 
181                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)    
182             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tthetahat:\t ", fit$initial$dispparams$thetahat, "\n", 
183                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".init.txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
186         }
187         if(!is.null(boot)) {
188             if(!is.null(names(bootout))){
189             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.betahat:\t", bootout$mean$betahat, "\n" ,
190                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
191             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.betadhat:\t ", bootout$mean$betadhat, "\n", 
192                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
193             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdbetahat:\t ", bootout$sd$betahat, "\n", 
194                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
195             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdbetadhat:\t ", bootout$sd$betadhat, "\n", 
196                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)
197             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.sigma2hat:\t ", bootout$mean$dispparams["sigma2hat"], "\n", 
198                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
199             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.sigma2dhat:\t ", bootout$mean$dispparams["sigma2dhat"], "\n", 
200                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
201             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.nu2hat:\t ", bootout$mean$dispparams["nu2hat"], "\n", 
202                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
203             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.nu2dhat:\t ", bootout$mean$dispparams["nu2dhat"], "\n", 
204                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)    
205             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.thetahat:\t ", bootout$mean$dispparams["thetahat"], "\n", 
206                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
207             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdsigma2hat:\t ", bootout$sd$dispparams["sigma2hat"], "\n", 
208                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
209             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdsigma2dhat:\t ", bootout$sd$dispparams["sigma2dhat"], "\n", 
210                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
211             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdnu2hat:\t ", bootout$sd$dispparams["nu2hat"], "\n", 
212                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
213             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdnu2dhat:\t ", bootout$sd$dispparams["nu2dhat"], "\n", 
214                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)    
215             cat("Sim:\t", isim, "\tboot.stdthetahat:\t ", bootout$sd$dispparams["thetahat"], "\n", 
216                                 file = paste(dumpfile, ".txt", sep = ""), append = TRUE)      
217             }
218         }
220     }
222 }